If you need help finding social services, essential items like food, medicines, or medical care call the Los Angeles County Information line 2-1-1, which is available 24/7.
You can also visit the Public Health COVID-19 resource webpage for resources related to food, health, finance, information, shelters, housing, childcare, and more.
If you need to speak with someone about your mental health, contact your doctor or the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Access Center 24/7 Helpline at (800) 854-7771.
Employers are required to investigate and respond to any COVID-19 cases in the workplace. The following DPH guidelines are intended to support employers responding to COVID-19 cases identified in non-healthcare settings. For a summary of best practices to enhance safety in workplaces see LAC DPH Best Practices to Prevent COVID-19: Guidance for Businesses and Employers.
Expand allA COVID-19 case is a person who:
Who is considered a close contact in the workplace varies based on the size of the shared indoor space:
Spaces that are separated by floor-to-ceiling walls (e.g., offices, suites, rooms, waiting areas, bathrooms, or break or eating areas that are separated by floor-to-ceiling walls) must be considered distinct indoor airspaces. See, CDPH - Close Contact Q&A.
This is regardless of use of face masks by the case or contact. Exception: Cal/OSHA states that employees are not a close contact if they wore a respirator required by the employer and used in compliance with section 5144, whenever they were sharing the same airspace of the COVID-19 case while they were infectious.
Recently recovered from COVID-19 is a person who had a positive viral COVID-19 test within the past 30 days who is no longer considered infectious (i.e., their isolation period is over).
If they had symptoms with their most recent infection, the 30 days begins at the onset of the initial COVID-19 symptoms. If they never had symptoms, then the 30 days starts at the date of collection of the first positive viral COVID-19 test.
Note: Cal/OSHA Prevention regulations refers to these workers as a “returned case” and updated definition is aligned with above.
COVID-19 symptoms include fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea, unless a licensed health care professional determines the person's symptoms were caused by a known condition other than COVID-19.
In accordance with Cal/OSHA, a COVID-19 test means a test for SARS-CoV-2 that is:
Over-the-counter (OTC) self-tests: To comply with the Cal/OSHA testing requirements, an OTC COVID-19 test may be both self-administered and self-read if verification of the results, such as a time and date stamped photograph of the result or an OTC test that uses digital reporting with time and date stamped results, is provided.
end definitions -->LAC DPH has a limited supply of adult-sized personal protective equipment (PPE), including masks, available for workplace settings. DPH will prioritize sites that demonstrate an increased need. Additionally, LAC DPH has a limited supply of antigen test kits available for workplace settings. Although efforts will be made to fill all requests, availability of supplies cannot be guaranteed. The PPE Distribution program will be ending on February 28, 2025.
Employers should have procedures in place for seeking information from employees related to COVID-19 cases and close contacts in the workplace. This includes collecting and keeping records of all COVID-19 cases: the employee's name, contact information, their date of symptom onset, COVID-19 testing dates and results, last date present at workplace and their workplace locations and duties. This information must be provided to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and Cal/OSHA, immediately upon request.
Once a COVID-19 case is identified at the workplace, the employer must:
The following exclusion and return to work requirements are for employees in non-healthcare settings. For printable versions of these tables, click here.
Persons with COVID-19
Exclusion Requirements
Masking Requirements
If the case is symptomatic
Employee must be excluded from the workplace until:
Employee must ii wear a well-fitting mask around others through Day 10 iii whether symptomatic or asymptomatic.
If the case is asymptomatic
Exclusion is NOT required unless employee develops symptoms.
Employee must follow the full instructions for people with COVID-19 detailed in the LAC DPH Guidelines for COVID-19 Cases and Close Contacts.
Employer must follow all requirements outlined in the Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Non-Emergency Regulations.
These actions apply to all asymptomatic employees that are identified as workplace close contacts, regardless of vaccination status.
Employers should provide the masks at no expense to the employee. Note: Upon employee request, Employers must provide NIOSH-approved respirators (e.g., N95 masks) to all employees who are working indoors or in vehicles with more than one person. See Cal/OSHA FAQs for additional details.
Employee should test within 3-5 days* after their last close contact with the case unless they have recently recovered from COVID-19.
Employee should monitor their health for 10 days.*
If symptoms develop, exclude the employee from the workplace pending COVID-19 test results.
*Day 1 is the first full day after their last exposure.
1 Exposed healthcare personnel—see Asymptomatic Healthcare Personnel with Exposures.
2 These recommendations are for non-outbreak settings only. During outbreaks, additional requirements will be applicable and guided by public health investigation.
Cal/OSHA states that employers must offer testing at no cost to employees during paid time:
Employers must provide testing in a manner that ensures employee confidentiality.
Testing Resources
See the LAC DPH COVID-19 website for additional resources related to COVID-19.