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DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/KV7J6 / Durreesamin Journal (ISSN: 2204-9827) December Vol 4 Issue 3, Year 2018
This article paper has been published through Durreesamin Journal as a series of my Environmental Advocacy & Conservation Personal Journal & Reflections compositions for the subject course at the University of the Philippines. The biodiversity conservation has faces dilemma in today’s generation because of poverty with the daunting tasks within the working areas of low income from around the globe. These include the parametric status of education, political and community stability where most of the local and even the international players have exploited the resources and land on both the developed and developing countries through mining activities in the upland resources which results to chaos and toxicity. Most common problems have risen from different sectors because of the effects on the lowland community and health implications.
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Asian Journal of Conservation Biology
This survey reveals how the community in Rimbang Baling Wildlife Sanctuary in their understanding of positive laws, especially the state regulation, both concern the rule of law and laws related to conservation. In addition, their attitude towards sharia law such as the wildlife fatwa (MUI’s Fatwa No 4/2014) is about the protection of endangered wildlife to maintain ecosystem balance. We ask which rules must be obeyed first, the religious regulations, such as fatwas, or government rules? It has been revealed in this study that sharia complied with 20.1% (intervention villages = intervention) and 17.1% (control villages = control), government regulations of 15.3% (intervention), and 10.9% (control), while those who answered that both regulations must be obeyed were of 53.3% (intervention) and 65.1% (control), and the rest answered “don’t know”. The survey also questioned of hunting and trading of endangered animals prohibited by MUI Fatwa No. 4 of 2014. The respondents were on opinio.
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The main functionof conservation institutions is to control breeding and wild plants and rescue wild plants and animals while maintaining the species purity. This role requires conservation institutions to contribute toanimal conservation to save and conserve wild animals ex-situ. This research aims to determine the contribution value of Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park as an implementationof animal welfare. The data was collected through interviews and field observations. The results showed that the implementation achievement of animal welfare at Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park was classified as good with an achievement value of 76.61.However, the contribution value of Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park to the animal conservation aspects was still categorized as low, which was mainly due to the low animal births. Increasing the success of animal births could be carried out through coaching on technical aspects such as improving animal health management and facilities.Key.
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Wildlife protection and social Development
The major objective of this study was to measure the association between various interventions and ChitralGol National Park in preservation of biodiversity and socioeconomic uplift. A sample size of 346 respondents (local people residents of buffer zone villages of CGNP) was randomly selected from total population of 3276 from the 4 purposively selected villages on the basis of close proximity namely Balach, Singore, Xang Bazar and Goledur study universe. A conceptual framework including dependent variable "social development" and independent variable Wildlife protection and development were devised. The data were analyzed through frequency and percentage distribution. Moreover, Chi-Square test was applied to know the relationship between dependent and independent variables at bi-variate level. In bi-variate analysis a highly significant (P=0.000) relation was found between protection/conservation of wildlife is essential to friendly environment, wildlife increased with the establishment of CGNP (P=0.000), initiatives taken by the government for the conservation of endangered wildlife are enough (P=0.000), deforestation is dangerous for the wildlife of CGNP (P=0.000), local people face any problem from the wildlife of CGNP (P=0.000), medicinal plants in CGNP are also protected in conservation strategies (P=0.000),measures adopted by CGNP are effective in wildlife protection (P=0.000)and social development. More participation of community to protect wildlife and biodiversity and arrangement of refresher courses for the staff to acquaint them with the skill of protection regarding themselves and wildlife were extended some of the recommendations in light of the study findings.
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In the Brazilian Amazonia there are 18 extractivist reserves, totaling an area of 2 4,842,721 ha, with an average population density of 0.16 inhabitants per km . Extractivist reserves (Resex) are defined as "natural areas utilized by traditional extractivist population, where subsistence is based on extractivism (the extrac- tion of renewable natural resources from the land) and on complementary sub- sistence agriculture and small animal husbandry". The basic objectives of these reserves are to protect these peoples' ways of life and culture, and to improve the sustainable utilization of the reserve’s natural resources. Animal wildlife is the most utilized natural resource within an extractivist reserve and is part of traditio- nal communities’ subsistence culture, serving as a source of leisure as well as nutrition. The present study focuses on a wildlife management program within the 750,794-ha Resex of Cazumbá, State of Acre, Brazil. This program envisages regulating utilization of wildlife by presenting two different strategies: (1) establi- shing hunting agreements restricting and organizing subsistence hunting, and (2) implementing controlled wildlife production modules. This pioneer project, initiated in 2002, has implemented a semi-extensive capybar, Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris, production unit, an extensive white-lipped peccary, Tayassu peca- ri, management plan, and a tortoise, Goechelone denticulate, production unit. Development of multi-disciplinary wildlife programs within extractivist reserves allows for higher environmental awareness, environmental education, unifies the community through a common interest, and adds and organizes adequate use of wildlife resources. This project has increased the value of wildlife for the forest people, maintained ecosystem biodiversity, inhibited community predatory prac- tices and, most importantly, stopped deforestation caused by traditional ranching systems.
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Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy
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