These resources are offered by the Colorado Office of School Safety to assist Colorado districts and individual schools in all phases of school safety efforts.
Letters to School Administrators
OSS Crisis Response Guidelines for K-12 Schools and Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs)
The Office of School Safety has created five resource guides to assist your district in addressing some of the most challenging issues facing schools today. Each guide can be downloaded from the OSS website and is updated annually. The one page listing has links and descriptions of all OSS resource guides.
(Compiled by CSSRC)
This Colorado School Guide includes resources that may help to address bullying and harassment in schools. This information was compiled by the Colorado School Safety Resource Center. Updated June 2019 and may be subject to change.
Resource Mapping Toolkit and Positive School Climate Action Plan Template
(Created by CSSRC | Jan. 2020)
(Created by CSSRC | Jan. 2020
(Created by CSSRC | Jan. 2020
Child Sexual Abuse and Assault Prevention
(Compiled by CSSRC)
(Compiled by CSSRC)
(Created by CSSRC Nov. 2011 | Updated: August 2021)
On Tuesday, September 13, 2016, the interim legislative committee formed with the passage of SB15-214 (School Safety and Youth Mental Health in Crisis Interim Committee), met at the Capitol. The first item on the agenda was an overview of the report prepared by the working group that reviewed the recommendations of the three reports commissioned after the tragic Arapahoe High School shooting.
Excerpt of the Report
The working group reviewed 158 recommendations agreeing with 119 of them outright and agreeing with an additional 34 with modifications. Five of the recommendations were common to all three of the commissioned reports.
The five common recommendations were:
The five recommendations with which the working group disagreed were:
Additionally, of the 158 recommendations, the working group felt that schools would need resources for at least 139 of those suggestions. Rural schools would need considerable resources to fulfill the recommendations.
Please see the report for an explanation under each recommendation of the resources necessary. For some recommendations you will also find "suggested assistance" paragraphs identifying where no- or low- cost resources might be acquired.
The Center would like to thank the 34 members of the working group (found on page 41 of the report) for their incredible dedication to this effort. Many came on their summer break and traveled long distances to attend these meetings. This report would not have been possible without their commitment to the safety of Colorado students. Thank you!
For additional comments or questions about the report, please contact Christine Harms, Director - Colorado School Safety Resource Center directly at 303.239.4534 or
The Colorado School Emergency Operations Plan Exercise Toolkit was produced in a cooperative effort by the Governor's Office of Homeland Security, Colorado Division of Emergency Management (Department of Local Affairs) and CSSRC (Colorado Department of Public Safety). It has been developed in a cooperative effort by a subcommittee of the Emergency Planning & Response Working Group established by the Colorado School Safety Resource Center (CSSRC).
This Toolkit provides schools and school districts a tool for a discussion-based (tabletop) test and review of emergency preparedness and response plans for a variety of disasters or emergency situations.
For further consultation or technical assistance from the working group, please contact the Colorado School Safety Resource Center.
These resources are offered as modifiable examples to assist districts and individual schools in safety planning efforts. The Colorado School Safety Resource Center is also available to assist any schools in their safety planning by providing resources, consultation, and technical assistance. Please contact our office 303-239-4435.
(Created by CSSRC)
(Created by CSSRC)
(Created by CSSRC | August 2018)
(Created by CSSRC)