How to add Tomcat Server in eclipse

I just installed Java EE plugin in plain eclipse and I am trying to add tomcat server. I opened add new server which showing "Choose the type of server to create" but there is no server list. How can I add tomcat server? Eclipse: Indigo.

asked Nov 8, 2011 at 6:50 23.2k 10 10 gold badges 63 63 silver badges 78 78 bronze badges Commented Nov 8, 2011 at 7:02

9 Answers 9

Windows -> Show View -> Servers

Then in the Servers view, right-click and add new. It will show a pop up containing many server vendors. Under Apache select Tomcat v7.0 (Depending upon your downloaded server version). And in the run time configuration point it to the Tomcat folder you have downloaded.

You can try this article. It has the info you want !!

6,479 3 3 gold badges 23 23 silver badges 41 41 bronze badges answered Nov 8, 2011 at 7:20 2,189 1 1 gold badge 21 21 silver badges 25 25 bronze badges

i did and this thread was the only one about my problem. he says the server type list is empty in servers view! you get a minus one from me.

Commented Jun 17, 2014 at 9:43 If you can't find it, look in the "others" option Commented Apr 11, 2022 at 5:13

If you have the Standard Eclipse installed (instead of the JavaEE version), then you'll need to install the JavaEE web developer tools.

Or you can go to Help > Install New Software then select the Eclipse site from the dropdown (Helios, Kepler depending upon your revision). Then select the option that shows Java EE. Restart Eclipse and you should see the Server list, such as Apache, Oracle, IBM etc.